Saturday, 11 May 2013

3 life objectives

Here i am standing and thinking  about the events that life bring upon my path  for me to learn from and appreciate the things that it gives to me beautiful and simple....but the ones that are not close to me. There are people that life bring to me as a gift but every time i made the same mistake and loved  the persons that i didn't have too,  the ones i wanted to be close too but they preferred others, maybe that's how life's supposed to be or this is my destiny to love the ones that would make me suffer or maybe do not understand that hurt me. Your words sometimes ...hurt make me dream but afterwards I wake up with my feet on the ground  telling me that i'm lying to myself even though i know the actual truth... i still go on lying to myself. I know that you would like me to be something fugacious (momentary/passing) in your life but for me you mean much more....You give me hopes sometimes, and it would be better for you to stop because i'm destroying myself!!! Reality becomes a dream.... instead for my dream to become reality i could not accept to know that you don't want me anymore. Life is is cynical from other views but for me the  beam of light that is still illuminating me the path to wisdom, love, hope and humanity is still full of possibilities and quests that will lead me to the unknown future of my own personality. There are 3 most important things in my life which are:
1. My parents & family
2. My friends and everyone i respect and appreciate their effort in helping and supporting me
3. Is the one i love

I may be talking about other topic than my blog actually is sometimes but i want people to know also what i feel and what i live for, thank you.)